Original Hebrew Wizards Music

Hebrew Wizards has its first CD featuring original music that complements our Curriculum. With songs that teach us everything we need to know about being Jewish, it is music the whole family can enjoy. Our professional music staff has brought to life the songs from our heart that connect the generations.
For information on booking Hebrew Wizards educational Concert, please contact the Wizard or join us by RSVP to
Deborah Salomon.
Purchase the full CD!
Order your very own copy of our 12 track CD "Time to Shine", for only $15, plus $3 shipping to anywhere in the world.
10% of revenue raised goes to "Wizards around the World", helping Jewish Families Worldwide.
Once funds have been received, we'll immediately ship the CD to the address provided.
Read the review here.
Hebrew Wizards is a not for profit 501(c)3 organization.
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