Kehilat Shalom means Community of Peace. Our services are designed to fulfill everyone's individual ways to pray. We help you spiritually connect to Judaism with your family in a relaxed and comfortable setting. By teaching the meaning of all the prayers, families feel comfortable to participate in praying as a Congregation and "praying from the heart". Through our beautiful music we teach that prayers can be songs, poems and silent meditation as well as some traditional and familiar prayers.
"Share Shabbat" is the Wizards way of bringing in the Sabbath on the first Friday night of each month. Here we gather in a Wizards home, bringing a pot luck dinner, having a beautiful Shabbat Family service, talking about a theme in Judaism and enjoying the time spent with other Jewish families. Hebrew Wizards families gather the 1st Friday of every month to light the candles, sing some songs, share dinner and enjoy a night with new and old friends. We welcome you to share your home with other Hebrew Wizards families.
Our High Holiday services are unique, beautiful and spiritual as we engage our Teen Wizards to participate and help make these services a meaningful experience. A musical blend of songs, prayers and poems are performed as we begin the Jewish New Year together. These services run 75-90 minutes and are ideal for the whole family.
Our uniquely designed High Holiday services allow families to celebrate together in a spiritual, traditional and loving way. Our relaxed attire of family style services with special poems and songs sets the mode for praying 'the Wizards Way'. With the rhythm of the Jewish calendar, the Wizards Congregation creates a new and innovative way to celebrate the Jewish Holidays.
Membership includes:
- Cutting-edge Religious Program; innovative & engaging K-7
- Family High Holiday Service Tickets
- Monthly Share Shabbat Gatherings & Celebrations
- Adult Leaning on Sunday mornings
- Family Life Cycle events with Caring Professionals
- Community-Wide Programming and Interfaith Events
- Special Events celebrating the Jewish Holidays
- Wizards Community Connections(WCC) - A new venture Connecting Community through monthly events
- Wizards Spring Family events including: Passover Picnic, Israel Day, Le Dor va Dor day, Holocaust Learning and Mitzvah Day
- Award Winning Teen Program including promoting new l leaders, Community Service Opportunities and Internships
- Teens to Teach, building young adult teachers at Hebrew Wizards
* Wizards Membership: $600 per family.
Hebrew Wizards is a not for profit 501(c)3 organization.
© HebrewWizards, Inc. The Hebrew Wizards name, symbol and all contents of this website are copyrighted. All rights reserved.